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Participer et faire ensemble

Rencontres inter-générationnelles enregistrées pour apprendre de chaq'un et faire ses envies réalité

Taking the example for the Netherlands, where they created a world-wide series of encounters between seniors (focusing on those that are isolated and/or that live alone) with young citizens. Furthermore, the idea is to create long-lasting bonds, always accompanied by mediation with professionals, in which both parties voluntarily teach each other something and make each others'dream possible, eg. travelling to the coast. Lastly, the biggest aim of this is to break the gap between generations, end loneliness in elderly people but without forgetting to preserve their normal-life and routine stories of their numerous years because they must be preserved and sometimes are a real source of inspiration for the younger generations even if at first they might seem useless, borning and banal. This encounters could be recorded in order to keep a trace of it, further reflect on the encounters while doing the production and in order to share it with other people, eg. social media or public TV.

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